Richey MT, Richey Montana, 59259
The area around Richey includes several small towns and settlements
as well as larger towns that serve as county seats. Richey is located in
northwest Dawson county and is in close proximity to McCone county and
Richland county in Northeastern Montana. Our community sits between
two historic landmarks, the Missouri River and the Yellowstone River.
We are fortunate to have nearby two recreation areas on the Missouri river,
Fort Peck Lake to the west and Lake Sakakawea to the east.
The local terrain is mainly rolling hills with some badlands mixed in.
There are not many trees here as a rule, and they are confined to low lying
areas such as creeks and draws or in the towns and around farmsteads. Few
trees means the sunsets are in full view every evening and the full moonrise
every month. Natural vegetation is comprised of grasses including wheatgrass,
needle-and-thread, blue grama. Forbs such as purple coneflower, milkweed
and black-eyed susan dot the hillsides. Sagebrush, winterfat and buckbrush,
and herbs like prickly pear and yucca can be found. Areas around streams
and rivers support cattails, chokecherries, willows and native cottonwoods.
The economy of the region is based on the land and is mostly farming
and ranching, although oil and gas exploration and recovery is becoming
more common. A fair amount of the farm land is enrolled in the conservation
reserve program which provides excellent food and cover for wildlife.
It is not uncommon to see herds of pronghorn antelope and whitetail deer
or mule deer feeding along the highways. Occasionally one will catch a glimpse
of a wild turkey or a ringneck pheasant or perhaps even an eagle going about
their daily routines. Less often seen are skunks, bobcat, elk or rattlesnakes.
A meadowlark will be heard long before it is seen, sitting on a far-off fencepost
singing its heart out. Flocks of Canada geese foretell a changing of the seasons
as they migrate north and south. Northern pike, wall-eye pike, carp, catfish,
sturgeon, paddle-fish and bluegill call the local streams and rivers home.
There are cattle, here, a lot of cattle. Ranchers proudly enjoy raising
them and other forms of livestock like sheep, hogs and even American bison.
There are also families who raise turkeys, chickens, llamas, emu, horses or
ponies, hunting dogs, and fish.
What you won't find here is a lot of people, or crime, or smokestacks.
In fact there is a problem with too few school-age children, so in the future,
schools in many smaller towns may have to close or co-op with larger nearby
schools. This situation is a result of families being smaller these days and fewer
workers needed in the highly mechanized agricultural economy.
As everyone else no matter where they live, we have too much of some
things and not enough of another. We keep trying to focus on the important and
positive characteristics of Eastern Montana rather than the less desirable aspects,
and strive to keep it one of the best places to live and raise a family.
Harvest full moon over Richey, Montana.
Welcome to our little corner of the world.